By now the site has been transferred to a new host and I’m working on getting it up and running to its previous slow and plodding capacity. Switching hosts is rarely done lightly, but I am hoping that Dreamhost is a better fit for the site since they are predominantly a WordPress hosting platform. Arvixe was an excellent host, but there were some backend difficulties, speed issues, and SSL confusion in the documentation that came into play. Even though the same functionality is offered at Arvixe as Dreamhost, it is easier for me to jump through the hoops in this corner of the web. Who knows, maybe I’ll like it or maybe I’ll regret it.
I do regret trusting a large SSD drive, however, that I was using to back up my captures and the transfer of the site. It failed spectacularly, leaving most of the videos, audio, and screen captures for games and movies I had done in the last year in the dust. And I get to recreate the site, which is long and tedious, but hopefully faster since I’m much more familiar with Avada’s workflow than I was previously. I can also cut out some of the cruft bilt in over time.
The already glacial pace of my YouTube channels (YouTube, Scrambled Channels) will most likely slow even further as I try to catch back up. Even though I was starting to make good headway in the console section of the games section. All that work is gone now, so it’s back to the drawing board. I guess my New Year’s resolution is to not trust SSD drives and to keep on keepin’ on.
I did get a page created for The Cheerleaders from 1973. I’m still working on the design. You can find it here.