Well, there appears to have been a bit of a scheduling snafu, so my Sunday-Tuesday posts did not get pushed to Twitter and Facebook. They are included here, but it is annoying that I did not catch it until it was too late.
Since the month switches mid-week to June, I have included both the May and June playlists.
Spotify Music playlist for May 2023
Spotify Music playlist for June 2023
Below is the May YouTube playlist.
And the June playlist on YouTube:
Weekly Finds
I pull a lot of the items about gaming and movie news here from a number of sources: The Atari Age forums, Retro Indie News, Time Extension, IGN, Retro Hour podcast, Itch.io, Facebook, Twitter, etc. What shows up here will change weekly depending on what I happen to find in the wild. I try to include the original sources in the links.
PETSCII Bros for the Commodore PET (Indie Retro News)
The Commodore PET has a new game. It is PETSCII Bros, an arcade homage to the original Mario Bros game.
Herisferix for the C64 (Indie Retro News)
Herisferix is an enhanced shooter created in the Shoot Em Up Construction Kit.
Aliens: Neoplasma (Time Extension)
Aliens: NeoPlasma looks absolutely amazing for the ZX Spectrum.
Daily Drop Roundup
You can get daily drops in your socials wherever you live. First Facebook link is the the Nostalgia Drop page, and the second is to the group. The group is more fun.
May 28th, 2023
Information Society – “”What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy)” (1988)
In 1988, Information Society released “What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy)” with a sample of Leonard Nimoy’s voice on the track saying the words “pure energy.”

Lil Miss Magic Jewels
Lil Miss Magic Jewels is a doll released in the 1990s.

Centipede (1980)
Centipede was released in to arcades in 1980.

Dexter’s Laboratory (1996-2003)
Dexter’s Laboratory premiered on Cartoon Network in 1996 and ran until 2003.
May 29th, 2023
DMX – “X Gon’ Give It To Ya”
In 2002 DMX released “X Gon’ Give It To Ya.

Finger Monsters
My Little Pony was based on the massive toy line of My Little Pony figures from Hasbro. The Ponies enjoy life in Pony Land but are often on the lookout for wicked creatures like witches, trolls, and goblins! It ran from 1986-1992 with animated specials and movies.

Sonic Spinball (1993)
Sonic Spinball was released in 1993.

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
A Tale of Two Sisters was released in 2003. Two sisters return from an mental institution to discover their disturbing family history and the ghosts that haunt them.
May 30th, 2023
AC/DC- “Thunderstruck” (1990)
AC/DC released “Thunderstruck” in 1990 on their 12th studio album, The Razor’s Edge.

Sega CD (1991)
The Sega CD peripheral was released in 1991.

Sewer Shark (1992)
Sewer Shark for the Sega CD was released in 1992.

My Science Project (1985)
My Science Project tried to beat Weird Science to the release punch on the nerdy sci-fi in 1985.
May 31st, 2023
Meat Loaf – “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
Meat Loaf’s “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” was released in 1993.

MASH (Fortune Telling Game)
MASH is a paper fortune telling game. It stands for Mansion Apartment Shack House. Then there are four life categories such as Partner, Job, Kid, Car. Then a spiral is drawn and the lines counted in the spiral to determine the future.

Street Fighter II (1991)
Street Fighter II was released in 1991 and quickly became one of the most important arcade fighting games of all time.

Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
Revenge of the Nerds was a sex comedy released in 1984.
June 1st, 2023
Seal – “Kiss from a Rose” (1992)
Seal released “Kiss from a Rose” in 1992 on his self-named album.

Jello Poke Cakes
Jello Poke Cakes were a staple of easy-to-bake sleepover treats.

Karate Champ (1984)
Karate Champ was released in 1984 in the arcade. One of the more difficult bonus challenges was jumping over the charging bull.

The Devils (1971)
Ken Russell’s The Devils attempted release in 1971, but was quickly banned and censored in numberous countries. While many clips of some of the most notorious scenes have been released, a full cut of the film with his original vision has not yet.
June 2nd, 2023
KISS – “Lick It Up” (1983)
Kiss released “Lick It Up” on their 11th album of the same name. It was the first time they performed out of makeup.

Aliens vs Predator Action Figures
Aliens vs. Predator action figures were released to push the toy tie-in with the film and video games.

Metal Slug (1996)
Metal Slug was released in Japanese arcades in 1996, showing just how beautiful platform shooters could look.

Hall Pass (2011)
Hall Pass was released in 2011.
June 3rd, 2023
The Notorious B.I.G. – “Big Poppa” (1994)
The Notorious B.I.G. released “Big Poppa” in 1994 on the album Ready to Die.

Bat Man and Robin Pop Tarts
Bat Man and Robin Pop Tarts were one of the more head scratching food tie-ins with the film.

Contra (1987)
Contra was a run-and-gun platformer with strange changes in perspective in some levels. The arcade game was released in 1987.

B.C. Rock (1980)
B.C. Rock was a 1980 R-rated cartoon about a caveman in a world of dinosaurs and danger and women set to a rock and roll backbeat.
Weekly Tears

Sergio Calderón (1945-2023)
Sergio Calderón was a Mexican actor known for quirky roles in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End and Men in Black.
He passed away on May 31st, 2023.

Michel Côté (1950-2023)
Michel Côté was a French-Canadian actor who starred in C.R.A.Z.Y. and Cruising Bar.
He passed away on May 29th, 2023.

John Beasley (1943-2023)
John Beasley was an American actor known for movies and television shows like Rudy, Everwood, and The Mighty Ducks.
He passed away on May 31st, 2023.