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King's Quest
Chapter I: A Knight to Remember
Developer: The Odd Gentlement
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: July 28, 2015
- Windows
- PlayStation 3
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox 360
- Xbox One
Released in 2015, A Knight to Remember is the first chapter of the episodic King’s Quest series by The Odd Gentlemen. It was the first official entry in the King’s Quest series since 1998’s Mask of Eternity. Though many companies had optioned the rights, it was only with the partnership between Activision (the rights owner) and the Odd Gentlemen (the licensee) which moved the project forward.
The game includes voice acting from (links to IMDB):
Zero Punctuation
King’s Quest: A Knight to Remember
Zero Punctuation
King’s Quest: A Knight to Remember
WTF Is… King’s Quest: A Knight to Remember?
Nerdastic 4 Podcast
King’s Quest Episode 1: Nostalgia Bomb