Thundarr the Barbarian
S1E5: Treasure of the Moks
The dread pirate Captain Corden will do anything to find the secret treasure of the Moks. She and her band of pirates find missiles from an old world naval base and Thundarr and crew must find a way to save the day before the Mok village is destroyed!
Episode Synopsis
A Mok chieftain, Oglach, runs along the riverbank, only to be stopped by Captain Kordon, the river pirate.

Her pirate lackeys go after him, but Thundarr suddenly appears. He, Ookla, and Ariel make short work of the pirates, but she reveals her massive river ship built on an old aircraft carrier. It catapults a hive of Hi Ching wasps, whose sting means instant death. She gets onboard and heads down the river.

Ariel wants them to get in the water, but Moks hate water, so Thundarr starts a fire and the smoke pushes away the swarm.

They continue to the Mok village.
The Mok chieftain tells them that Kordon is after the treasure. Thundarr tells him to head to the village and prepare. They will go after the pirates. Thundarr says that “Kordon is as evil as she is beautiful.” To which Ariel asks, “Unlike me… I’m just beautiful, right Thundarr?” He rides on, silently.

Kordon screams at her crew for being incompetent, but she has a plan. She takes the ship to a naval yard to get some weapons called fire lances. The underling laughs at the idea, calling them rusty metal spears as they pull missiles out of submarines.

Thundarr rushes in as usual and starts attacking the pirates. Kordon tells them to keep raising the fire lances because she needs them all. Thundarr cuts the rope holding one and it flies into an old ship and explodes. It knocks him, Ariel, and Ookla out from the explosion. She cannot make Thundarr’s Sunsword work and tosses it into the hull of a ship. Kordon throws them into the hull as well because she has a nefarious plan. She blows her skull whistle.

A giant lobster monster rises from the depths and enters the ship with Thundarr and crew. They escape through a waterproof door, but it is not lobster monster proof, and the thing breaks through. They run through another waterproof door and into the torpedo room. Luckily Ariel had a library and lots of spare time to research as a Princess. She decides that the torpedo bays are their way out. Thundarr has trouble pronouncing it. “No time to explain. Ookla get in.” They call the lobster monster a Brat.

She blasts Ookla out of the tube and he climbs onto the dock. She tries to get Thundarr in the tube but he throws her in instead and blasts her out to the dock. The Brat breaks into the room and Thundarr runs over it and into the previous room. He cuts a large mushroom-shaped device and it crashes down on the beast and through the floor, letting water rush in. Thundarr cuts his way through the outside of the sub and jumps onto the dock.

They head to the Mok village to warn them that the pirates are coming. The lookout Moks sound the call that Kodon is approaching. She sails in, ready to unleash death upon the Moks. Thundarr and crew try to stop them, but they launch a missile into the damn, which floods the Mok village.

Ookla gets trapped under one in the water, but Thundarr rescues him.
Kordon takes the ship to the stronghold that is still standing and attacks. Thundarr goes after her. She opens the massive vault only to find it empty.
They toss her crew inside to keep them there…even though Thundarr cut the door from its hinges.
They ask about the treasure and Oglach smacks the side of the stronghold. It breaks away to reveal gold underneath. The entire thing is made from gold.
They ride.

Kordon takes the ship to the stronghold that is still standing and attacks. Thundarr goes after her. She opens the massive vault only to find it empty.
They toss her crew inside to keep them there…even though Thundarr cut the door from its hinges.

They ask about the treasure and Oglach smacks the side of the stronghold. It breaks away to reveal gold underneath. The entire thing is made from gold.
They ride.