Thundarr the Barbarian
S1E9: Valley of the Man-Apes
Thundarr must destroy a giant robotic ape constructed by the evil Man-Apes to save a village of little people.
Episode Synopsis
Thundarr, Ookla, and Ariel enjoy a peaceful moment looking over a peaceful valley…until they see a crew of Man-Apes digging a hole. The Man-Apes find a large robot hand in the hold and lift it out.
Ookla accidentally knocks over a rock and the Man-Apes attack. In the fray, they knock Ookla off of a cliff and into the river below. Thundarr jumps in and Ariel makes a magical bridge to ride down with the other horses. The Man-Apes do not follow since they have work to do to make the “great one” whole.

Below, Thundarr builds a raft and they start down the river to find Ookla. The river leads them to a lake where they find Mok footprints leading to a walled city. Inside, Ookla is chained to a stake and the village of little people want to kill him for sneaking into the village. They seem to think he is a Man-Ape.

Thundarr jumps down and breaks his chains, and the leader, Zet, apologizes for the mistake. They eat with Zet and he tells them that the Man-Apes are rebuilding a giant ape warrior to destroy their city. Thundarr vows to stop them.

They find the Man-Apes in an abandoned movie studio set in a Western ghost town. They have found another hand and are pulling it up from a hole in a saloon.

They are spotted and the Man-Apes attack. After a furious fight, Thundarr and crew are captured in ropes. In pure villain style, the leader of the Man-Apes, Simius, decides to show them what they are building.

They have mostly assembled a giant King Kong robot. It is just missing the head. The crew knows it will destroy Zet’s tiny people. They tie Thundarr and crew to stakes to go and get the last piece of the robot. They toss the Sunsword into a dry fountain. The Man-Apes leave them to whatever creature that dwells in the ruins of a castle set. Suddenly a dragon appears and sets a stone statue on fire.

Ookla breaks the stake and Thundarr breaks the rope restraints. He jumps over the dragon and grabs his Sunsword from the fountain. Ookla frees Ariel who creates a magical cage around the dragon.

They head off to warn Zet and the villagers. Meanwhile, the Man-Apes put the head on Robo Kong and start up the power from a control system. It comes to life and breaks through the studio to move towards the village.
The Man-Apes roll the control unit to the walls of the village and the robot Kong pushes trees apart to show how huge it is. The villagers run in fright. They break some holes in the hide of the robot but do not do much damage. It breaks through the wall and Zet and his people flee into the woods.

Thundarr decides the only way to destroy the robot is to attack it from above. So they go to where the Man-Apes found one of the robot parts to commandeer an old plane. Thundarr and Ookla move it from the trees and Ariel will make it fly with her magic. She pilots it once in the air.

They fly it over to Zet’s village and Thundarr goes out on the wing. In the first pass, he cuts off a hand.
With the second pass, the robot ape smacks the plane and Thundarr falls. Ookla and Ariel are saved by the single parachute. Thundarr is on the giant ape. He stabs it where the heart should be with the Sunsword and it collapses to pieces. The Man-Apes flee.
Now Zet’s people can rebuild their city, but this time without walls.

They fly it over to Zet’s village and Thundarr goes out on the wing. In the first pass, he cuts off a hand. With the second pass, the robot ape smacks the plane and Thundarr falls. Ookla and Ariel are saved by the single parachute.

Thundarr is on the giant ape. He stabs it where the heart should be with the Sunsword and it collapses to pieces. The Man-Apes flee and Simuis is captured. Now Zet’s people can rebuild their city, but this time without walls.